Saturday, May 12, 2012

  Adobe Inc. has officially announced the availability of their latest cloud based product, Creative Cloud which was announced along with Creative Suite 6. Creative Cloud which provides awesome features for creatives scattered worldwide is now available for purchase along with Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium, Creative Suite 6 Design Standard, Creative Suite 6 Production Premium and Creative Suite 6 Master Collection which were announced by Adobe some days before.

 "We announced Creative Cloud and CS6 two weeks ago and these releases have caught the imagination of creatives everywhere," said David Wadhwani, Senior Vice President, Digital Media Business, Adobe. "Today we're shipping CS6 and look forward to the beginning of an exciting new era as we introduce Creative Cloud later this week."

  Adobe Creative Cloud is a digital hub for making, sharing and delivering creative work and it is centered around the release of Adobe Creative Suite 6 software by Adobe Incorporated. Users can install any of Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Desktop Apps plus Adobe Muse™ and Adobe Edge preview software. in Creative Cloud's servers and use it for expanding your creative ideas and works. Features and Services provided by Creative Cloud are
  • Access to download and install all CS6 applications, new HTML5 desktop products – Adobe Muse 1.0 and Adobe Edge preview – and deep integration with Adobe Touch Apps.
  • Easy storage and sharing of content across desktop, mobile devices and the cloud.
  • Integrated website publishing and hosting.
  • Ongoing innovation that provides members with the most up-to-date products and services
  You may get started with Adobe Creative Cloud as a free trial of 30 days but you have to pay US$49.90 per month for accessing the digital hub after one month. Adobe has added some plans and discounts for Creative Cloud as Introductory Offer and you can read those Here.
Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Apps Included
   Adobe Creative Cloud is now available in 36 countries and different languages. Individuals can use Creative Cloud by paying US$49.90 per month while US$74.99 for a month-month membership. Special Educational Pricing is also available for this service. If you want to know more about Adobe Creative Cloud, and use a free trial of 30 days, Just 

 Creative Cloud will be a big milestone of Adobe since they have built an awesome online platform for the scattered creativity around the world. So through this venture, Adobe could start a united place for developers and designers rich with creativity soon. Hope this will be a great success as adobe has performed before. And it is very good that they have build up an 30 days trial for creatives. And we are gonna test it soon. So you may expect a small review on Adobe Creative Cloud.


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