Rumors never stops. As per the latest report of BoomBerg, I Pad is planned to be launched in March with including features like enhanced display, Quad Core Processor and support for LTE. If the iPad 3 does get LTE compatibility, the iPhone is sure to get it next, as the iPad received the A5 chip before the iPhone did last year. As per the report, i pad 3 will also have A Nice High Definition Screen.
The competition will be more tight when its with the Amazon Kindle fire which had sold 4 Million devices last month. And the I pad 2 is not bad since it has become the second high source of company revenue. When listening to Boomberg's report,
"The Cupertino, California-based company has been working on making the iPad compatible with a wireless standard called long- term evolution, or LTE, said one of the people. Carriers such as Verizon Wireless and ATT Inc. are rolling out LTE networks to give users faster access to data."
Rumors are forming simultaneously in the case of Apple's products mainly. We Don't know why this. Anyway lets wait sometime and check whether any of these rumors will reach the top of Real Release date.
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